Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A Hodgepodge of interaction

If I wasnt so busy I would have the time to over analyze all of the different interactions I am having with people lately. I never thought I would say that I am tired of free lunches and beer in the evening. How many people leave a church and are gone for more than a year and out of the blue have lunch or beers with 2 pastors and a lay apologist. On top of that my business contacts are touching base and friends and staff from my new church are reaching out.

Lets see, today I talked with my boss about about the potential move to Ohio I didnt think was possible and of course when I told him my fears about the move he didnt let me off the hook and told me they would make a descision next week. So that makes the situation at home more difficult since the uncertainty is no fun and wearing on my wife. On top of that my new church wants me on church council next year and then I have been asked to chair the property commitee.

I think I have made the prayer or follow up list at my old church so they are blitzing me with attention as well. Sometimes I wish I was born a little dumber so my life would be less complicated. My mind is tired and I am not sure why I am so popular now, I just hope a break from the grind comes soon. Oh yeah I figured out tonight that the family truckster has a blown head gasket too. This is a job I can do but not an added aggrivation I need right now.

I am flattered that people seek me out and I think it is for 2 reasons. Number one is that I am a good problem solver and number 2 is I try to have conversations that matter with people. I think vendors take me to lunch since I dont talk freight all the time and the church folk are interested since I am interested in the "ultimate concern" to quote Tillich. This doesnt even touch on family obligations, which mean everything to me and is a whole other bucket of bolts.

I wish I knew what I should do long term. Do I uproot and use my business skills or do I stay where I am and seek out graduate studies that lead to I dont know what? The joys of being at a crossroads.....

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